Aims & Scope
The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) have established cooperation with the Japan Coal Energy Center with the purpose of developing and strengthening collaborative work on bilateral research and development to advance technical, environmental, and cost performance of the coal utilization areas.
The second Polish-Japanese Seminar on Innovative Technologies for the Energy Sector is following first Polish-Japanese Seminar on Innovative Technologies for the Energy Sector which have been held in 2016 in Krakow and is going to conclude the results of projects accepted during First Call by National Centre for Research and Development and Japan Coal Energy Center.
Project partners has been funded by the funding institutions of the respective partner countries (Poland and Japan). The projects have been supported with grants of the national budget in accordance with the respective national funding regulations. The applicable awarding institution has been base its decision on the national procedure and within the scope of the available budget.
Projects have involved at least one Polish and one Japanese partner.
The aims of the cooperation are as follows:
- Enhancing Polish-Japanese cooperation and networking;
- Developing new partnerships and strengthening existing ones;
- Exchanging existing and creating new knowledge;
- Enhancing level of science and technology in both countries;
- Increasing impact of Polish and Japanese research and development activities.